ONE PIECE 1135 RAW – ワンピース1135話 RAW

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ワンピース 第1135話「友情の盃」
表紙:鬼の子ヤマトの黄金収穫祭代理巡礼 21巻「あの日と今の私は違う!」

-リリスは、このフクロウは「イクイクの実」を食べて「子育てフクロウ」になった可能性が高いと言います。無機物/無生物のみを大きく/巨大化することができ、巨人の国でうまく機能する完璧な能力です。 – ルフィはブランコで巨大な子供たちと遊んでいましたが、子供たちは怖がっていました。ナミは彼を殴り倒しました。ウソップも殴られましたが、ルフィを止めようとしたと言いました。 – 子供たちはゲルドの胸に飛び乗って泣きました。ルフィは戦士としてそうすべきではないと彼らに腹を立てました。サンジはエルバフの子供たちはおとなしく優しいと言ってルフィを止めようとしました。しかし、子供たちはただふりをして、ナミとロビンの胸に顔を押し付けたときのモモのように、変態的な方法で笑っていました。サンジは怒って言いました。「これが世界共通なのか?このクソガキ!」笑

· 突然、シャンクスが酒場で話していた巨漢の子供コロンがルフィを襲った。コロンの木刀はルフィと接触して折れ、ルフィはギア3のエレファントガンで彼を殴ったが、コロンは避けた。ウソップはルフィがやりすぎだと言った。ルフィは「でも当たってない」と言った。巨漢の女の子たちはルフィは怖い、暴力は嫌いだと言った。コロンはルフィに感心した。ルフィはコロンはとても勇敢な子供だと言った。コロンは感心して「さすが四皇!」と言った。巨漢の女の子たちはコロンが暴力的だから嫌いだと言った。





女性は巨人の1人に何か(たくさん)を投げたようで、巨人は痛みに叫びながら倒れた。その後、女性は見下したような口調で言った。「頭が高すぎる、この無礼な愚か者。私がいつ質問した? あなたに『答えろ』と命令したのに…」


「麦わらの一味に友情の盃を!!! 乾杯!!!」



山ひげのジャルル 巨人族の英雄 世界で最も高齢の生物の1つ 408歳
ルフィ:「おい、おじいさん! 剣があなたの頭を突き刺したぞ!」 ジャルル: 「ボジャジャジャ! あ、これ? ヘルメットのおかげで助かった…」 ルフィ: 「貫通してるの?!」
エンドノート: 圧倒的な衝撃!

ONE PIECE CHAPTER 1135 – “Sake Cup of Friendship”

Cover Page:Ogre Child Yamato’s Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage VOL. 21 – “I’m different now compared to that day!”

Beginning Note:”The source of knowledge of the Giants!”
-Saul introduces Biblo, the chief librarian of the Library of the Owl. He said that Biblo
has existed for many centuries and every book that enters his domain becomes big.
Since the News Coo doesn’t go to a non-government-affiliated country like Elbaph, the fishermen bring the “little newspaper” to the library, where it becomes big for them to read it.
-Lilith says that this owl most likely ate the “Iku Iku no Mi” and became a “Nurturing Owl”). It can only enlarge/gigantify inorganic/non-living things, a perfe-
ct ability that works well in the land of the giants.

Luffy was playing with the giant kids on the swing, but the children got scared. Nami beat him to a pulp. Usopp was beaten too, but he said he was trying to stop Luffy. – The kids jumped to Gerd’s chest and cried. Luffy got angry at them because that’s not how a warrior should act. Sanji tried to stop Luffy, saying that the children of Elbaph are meek and kind. But the kids were just pretending and smiled in a perverted way, just like Momo when he pressed his face against Nami and Robin’s chest. Sanji got angry and said, “IS THIS A UNIVERSAL COMMONALITY? YOU SHITTY KID!” LOL

Luffy was sad because of the peaceful demeanor of the kids, but Usopp told him that it couldn’t be helped because Elbaph had become peaceful…
· All of a sudden, Colon, the giant kid Shanks was talking to at the bar, attacked Luffy. His wooden sword broke on contact with Luffy, and Luffy punched him with Gear 3rd – Elephant Gun, but Colon moved out of the way. Usopp said Luffy was overdoing it. Luffy said, “But it didn’t hit him.” The giant girls said Luffy was scary and that they hated vio- lence. Colon was impressed with Luffy. Luffy said Colon was one gutsy kid. Colon was imp- ressed and said, “As expected of an Emperor!” The giant girls said they hated Colon beca- use he was violent.

Ripley scolded Colon for a bit but praised him for his attack, saying it was quite good. They are mother and child. Colon said his father was a human and a former pirate and that he wouldn’t lose to the warriors of Elbaph. Ripley said her husband was younger than her and didn’t want to be the only one aging, so he didn’t marry Ripley. Ripley said she had always been a common-law wife (a wife but not officially married).

Robin, Lilith, Chopper, and Bonney wanted to stay in the library. Luffy said they would go on ahead to the feast because he was still hungry. Franky said the island itself was the Treasure Tree Adam. Saul said that in various books, the Treasure Tree Adam could be found around the world, but the age of the Treasure Tree Adam of Elbaph was incompa- rable.

Gerd asked them for a favor, which was to wear new clothes made by her. Brook, Franky, Jinbei, and Robin all now wore the same type of clothing as Luffy and the others (Luffy and the first Straw Hats that came to Elbaph didn’t change their clothes). Gerd said her hobby was making human clothes, and she was very pleased and thankful that they
tried them on.

At Aurust Castle, located in the vicinity of the Western Village of Elbaph, where the two mysterious persons landed in the previous chapter, the giants asked how they got in and if they were members of the Straw Hats. The woman spoke, saying they were looking for a fellow named Loki. The giants asked why they were looking for a criminal like him, saying Loki was the “X” (gaiaku – Evil Influence) of Elbaph. The woman persisted in
asking for his whereabouts, but the giants said they couldn’t answer.

The woman appeared to throw something (many of them) at one of the giants, and the giant fell down screaming in pain. The woman then spoke in a condescending manner: “Your head is too high, you impolite fool. Since when did I ask a question? I was orde-
ring you to ‘answer me’…”

The other giant was confused about what was going on. The face of the companion of the woman (the one that looked like Shanks in the previous chapter) was not shown, but we could see a sword handle, similar to the sword handle of Shanks’ Gryphon and Gar- ling’s sword.
Cut to the Western Village of Elbaph. The feast had started. Luffy and Usopp were very happy to finally be on Elbaph. Dorry, Brogy, Kashii, Oimo, and Hajrudin all expressed their thanks to Luffy and his crew for what they had done for them (back in Little Garden,
Enies Lobby, and Dressrosa, respectively).

They praised Luffy for being an Emperor. They also praised him and his crew as being the “main culprits” of the “Wano Country Incident” that brought down Kaido and Big Mom. They raised a big toast to their friendship (hence the chapter title).
“A Sake Cup of Friendship to the Straw Hat Crew!!! CHEERS!!!”

Stansen introduced himself to Luffy, who finally realized that Stansen was the captured giant back in Sabaody Archipelago. Stansen said, “I felt it was fate’s work when we heard that we had joined under your banner.”

A short flashback ensued about Stansen. We even saw Stansen’s initial appearance in Sa- baody as a flashback. It was stated that he was a childhood friend of Hajrudin.

Jarul arrived at the feast. His intro box read:
Mountain Beard Jarul Hero of the Giants One of the oldest beings in the world 408 years old
Luffy was very shocked at the sword that appeared to be piercing Jarul’s head.
Luffy: “Hey, old man! A sword has pierced through your head!” Jarul: “Bojajaja! Oh, this? Thanks to my helmet, I was saved…” Luffy: “Even though it’s piercing through it?!”
End Note: An Overwhelming Shock!

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