Blue Lock Chapter 297 RAW ENGLISH

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Blurb: Amidst adversity, Reo’s still aiming for the world together. To Nagi, this light is…
Nagi: (Reo. I lost my “fire”, but you still…)
Page 2

Nagi: (gave me a new dream)
Reo: Now we get 2 points, genius. We are the protagonists!
Nagi: (Just before you seemed to be scared of losing. When I wasn’t there, you were useless, but now…)
Page 3

Nagi: (You became super cool. Even though you’re a bit scared on the inside) OK, boss.
Reo: Let’s go, genius!
Nagi: (I get it, Reo. To get you fired up… for that, I can get fired up myself)
Page 4

Isagi: (There might be a formula for this ecstatic experience…
In my case, if there was “someone I wanna beat” and “a goal I wanna achieve”, I would bring out the “logic to do it”
And became a machine to execute it perfectly
Page 5

“Win according to calculations”!! I get thrilled in that moment
Ah. But wait. I leveled up many times like that so I understand
With every win, every result, my experience and abilities go up
I get better at soccer! Replicability of the techniques gets higher! But…
Page 6

I can’t reproduce the “fire”!
Back then and there, those were the feelings only I could hold in that moment
Technique and logic are nothing but means to carry out the plan! Everything begins with the “fire” inside me!
Page 7

Ego: Now we’ll present the subsequent auction bids…
Isagi: (Dreams and goals, rivals I wanna beat…
Those who grasped this “fire” and acted on it will survive, and those who misjudged it will fall… This is the field…)
Page 8

…this is “Blue Lock”!!!
Nagi: (Everything ends if they score one more! I have to score a goal
goal goal goal…
Where Reo wants to pass?)
Page 9

I want to become the “me” that Reo desires!
Reo… Reo…
Page 10

Should I shoot…? I got out!
No, it’s too far… What should I do?!
If Reo was here…
PAGE (11)

Lavinho: RAWRRR!!!
Football ain’t a pass-connecting sport!

Reo : Wha-

Nagi : Oh no… if he gets it-
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Chris : To the future!!
We’re not done yet, Manshine City!!

Lavinho : Damn you, show-off!

Nagi : Master…
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Chris : OK, striker

Nagi : Eh? He ignored me…

Chris : I won’t grant the future to egoists who don’t pursue ideals…

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Chris: Surpass the reality, Blue Lockers!!

Reo: ?! Chris…
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Chris : You score it!! Reo Mikage!!!
I want to see your future!!!

Otoya : Woa- (That’s my move from before…)
PAGE (16-17)


Improv copy…?!

Nagi : Reo… You can already…
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Nagi : really live on your own)

Chris : That’s it! YES golazo!!

Lavinho : Ha… We’re out of time
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Reo : Nagi… Sorry, I shot on my own…

Nagi : It’s fine If you got fired up, that’s the answer…

Reo : Eh?

Nagi : I was always spoiled by you I believed like a child that you’ll always be by my side…


Nagi : I’m sorry, Reo. I was a pain
From now on, I’ll get fired up and fascinated on my own.

“I have to change on my own. This spirit will pave the new world for Nagi !!”

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